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Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) – It’s Treatable – Dr. Ashish Badika

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) – It’s Treatable - Dr. Ashish Badika

We are humans and we do have perceptions, we do make assumptions and whenever we come to know about any disease, we start googling it on the internet. The same is the case with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). People have many types of misconceptions or myths prevailing among the community due to incomplete information.

Many people know very little about arthritis, and they build several misunderstandings regarding its treatment and causes. Some think that it is an age-related disease. Some say that this disease is incurable. Some people say it has a costly treatment or it may need to get operated on. Some google it and lead themselves to wrong or incomplete information.

Those people who are suffering from it must know that this disease does need proper attention and neglecting it may lead to some serious problems in the body, and second that this disease is well controllable. Yes, if taken care of in its initial stage itself, the patient can move on to regular life very fast with the further continuation of the medicines under the Rheumatologist’s supervision.

It is advised for people who had swelling or pain in the joints must immediately contact their doctor so that the disease can be diagnosed in its initial stage and can get controlled in a short time. Initial diagnosis will help people get rid of these disease-related symptoms very quickly.

Dr. Ashish K Badika has 3 years of advanced training in Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology including 2 years Post Doctoral.

He has extensive exposure to Systemic Autoimmune Disorder (Rheumatoid arthritis, Psoriatic arthritis, Seronegative spondyloarthritis, Systemic lupus erythematosus, Scleroderma, Gout, Myositis, Sjogren’s Syndrome, Vasculitic conditions, and Paediatric rheumatology disorders).

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